바이오로직스 자료


Enabling digital twins with computational fluid dynamics modeling

Developing bioprocess digital twins to simulate bioreactor variables

The integration of predictive modeling into bioprocess automation and control systems is transforming the biopharmaceutical industry, enabling enhanced performance and precision. By combining mechanistic models— such as hydrodynamic and cell kinetic equations—with data-driven insights and predictive algorithms, bioprocess digital twins provide real-time simulations of cell growth, nutrient consumption, hydrodynamic behavior, and other critical bioreactor variablesRead more

Developing bioprocess digital twins to simulate bioreactor variables  

Central to the development of bioprocess digital twins is the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology. Samsung Biologics is at the forefront of this technological evolution, leveraging CFD and digital twin technologies to achieve unparalleled quality management. Harnessing digital twin technology, Samsung Biologics optimizes process development, streamlines technology transfers, and evaluates process changes and scale-up manufacturing operation.


This whitepaper provides insights on the CFD advantage at Samsung Biologics. Find out how we are paving the way for more efficient, accurate, and scalable bioprocess solutions.

Developing bioprocess digital twins to simulate bioreactor variables

The integration of predictive modeling into bioprocess automation and control systems is transforming the biopharmaceutical industry, enabling enhanced performance and precision. By combining mechanistic models— such as hydrodynamic and cell kinetic equations—with data-driven insights and predictive algorithms, bioprocess digital twins provide real-time simulations of cell growth, nutrient consumption, hydrodynamic behavior, and other critical bioreactor variablesRead more

Developing bioprocess digital twins to simulate bioreactor variables  

Central to the development of bioprocess digital twins is the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology. Samsung Biologics is at the forefront of this technological evolution, leveraging CFD and digital twin technologies to achieve unparalleled quality management. Harnessing digital twin technology, Samsung Biologics optimizes process development, streamlines technology transfers, and evaluates process changes and scale-up manufacturing operation.


This whitepaper provides insights on the CFD advantage at Samsung Biologics. Find out how we are paving the way for more efficient, accurate, and scalable bioprocess solutions.



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