Press Releases
Accelerating Biologics Manufacturing: Strategies for Efficient Production Timelines
The capability of a CDMO to effectively navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and ute seamless tech
transfer is critical when it comes to delivering drug products to market.
In this article, Jinhyeok Jeong, Senior Director of DP Inspection & Packaging, and John Thomas, Senior Director
of DP MSAT, provide insights in the major areas of drug products manufacturing that can accelerate timelines along
with the necessary qualities that should be sought after in a specialist service-providing partner.
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The capability of a CDMO to effectively navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and ute seamless tech
transfer is critical when it comes to delivering drug products to market.
In this article, Jinhyeok Jeong, Senior Director of DP Inspection & Packaging, and John Thomas, Senior Director
of DP MSAT, provide insights in the major areas of drug products manufacturing that can accelerate timelines along
with the necessary qualities that should be sought after in a specialist service-providing partner.
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