Samsung Biologics was awarded the 2022 Terra Carta Seal, which recognizes global companies
driving innovation and action towards the creation of genuinely sustainable markets.

We are committed to sharing our sustainable progress and goals.
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives.

For a Sustainable Life.

A blossom of hope

We are on a journey to help create a healthier adn sustainable future.

Our path to changing the world is never ending.

It touches everyone and everything.

Together we are

Driven. For a Sustainable Life.

Driven. For Life.

Samsung Biologics

For a Sustainable Life.

Samsung Biologics aspires to lead the industry in protecting our planet for the health of future generations. In our mission to enrich human life while creating enduring and sustainable value, we are investing in practices and technologies to mitigate the risks of climate change in the greater areas we impact.

Net Zero Pathway

We are committed to achieving zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 100% renewable energy across our sites and supply chains by 2050. By engaging with our partners and suppliers to drive the transition to decarbonization, we aim to minimize our environmental impact and lay the foundation for sustainable growth.


  • - Joined CDP
  • - Joined Frontier 1.5D
  • - Received ISO50001 Certification
    for Energy Management
  • - Joined SMI


  • - Joined RE100, achieved RE8%
  • - Announced net zero goals
  • - Awarded "Gold Sustainability
    Rating" from EcoVadis
  • - Received the Terra Carta Seal
  • - Awarded "A" rating from CDP SEP
  • - Published TCFD report


Net Zero
· Operations 32% (RE30%)
· Supply Chain 36%


Net Zero
· Operations 62% (RE65%)
· Supply Chain 73%


Net Zero & 100% Renewable Energy
· Operation & Supply Chain

In Our Operations
Energy Reduction
  • - Improving energy efficiency
  • - Optimizing operational processes
Energy Substitution/Transition
  • - Substituting 100% of site energy
    consumption with renewables (RE100)
  • - Maximizing additional sources of electricity through power purchase agreements (PPAs) and renewable energy certificates (RECs)
Across Our Value Chain
Supply Chain Emission
  • - Engaging our suppliers to reduce
    their GHG emissions to achieve Net Zero
  • - Minimizing the use of disposables in the manufacturing process through waste management and recycling
  • - Reducing overall water consumption and adopting water reuse practices
Site & Operations
  • Key Targets
    • ① (Reduction) Energy efficiency optimization
    • ② (Substitution) Solar Panel/Zero emission vehicles
    • ③ (Transition) Transition to renewables
  • Prioritize reduction and substitution to achieve a 32% emissions
    reduction and 30% renewable energy usage by 2030
GHG emission of Site Emissions,Reduction,Substitution,Transition 2022, 2030Target, 2050
2022 2030
Site Emission 100% 68% 0%
Reduction - 12.8% 22.0%
Substitution - 1.5% 13.3%
Transition - 17.7% 64.7%
Value Chain
  • Key Target
    • ① Initiatives with key suppliers to achieve Net Zero
  • Engaging in sustainable business initiatives to tackle other scope3 emissions such as waste and impact from business travel and commuting.
GHG emission of Supply Chain,Other,Supplier GHG Reduction 2022, 2030Target, 2050
2022 2030
Supply Chain 94% 58% 0%
Other 6% 6% 6%
GHG Reduction
- 36% 94%
In Our Operations
Energy Reduction
  • - Improving energy efficiency
  • - Optimizing operational processes
Energy Substitution/Transition
  • - Substituting 100% of site energy consumption with renewables (RE100)
  • - Maximizing additional sources of electricity through power purchase agreements (PPAs) and renewable energy certificates (RECs)
Site & Operations
  • Key Targets
    • ① (Reduction) Energy efficiency optimization
    • ② (Substitution) Solar Panel/Zero emission vehicles
    • ③ (Transition) Transition to renewables
  • Prioritize reduction and substitution to achieve a 32% emissions
    reduction and 30% renewable energy usage by 2030
GHG emission of Site Emissions,Reduction,Substitution,Transition 2022, 2030Target, 2050
2022 2030
Site Emission 100% 68% 0%
Reduction - 12.8% 22.0%
Substitution - 1.5% 13.3%
Transition - 17.7% 64.7%
Across Our Value Chain
Supply Chain Emission
  • - Engaging our suppliers to reduce their GHG emissions to achieve Net Zero
  • - Minimizing the use of disposables in the manufacturing process through waste management and recycling
  • - Reducing overall water consumption and adopting water reuse practices
Value Chain
  • Key Target
    • ① Initiatives with key suppliers to achieve Net Zero
  • Engaging in sustainable business initiatives to tackle other scope3 emissions such as waste and impact from business travel and commuting.
GHG emission of Supply Chain,Other,Supplier GHG Reduction 2022, 2030Target, 2050
2022 2030
Supply Chain 94% 58% 0%
Other 6% 6% 6%
GHG Reduction
- 36% 94%

Global Initiatives

  • Engagement / Commitment
The Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) was launched by His Majesty King Charles III, in his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, at the World Economic Forum in 2020. It aims to lead the transition to a sustainable future by convening leaders to bring economic value into alignment with social and environmental sustainability.

As a proud supporter of the Terra Carta* mandate, we were also awarded the 2022 Terra Carta Seal, which recognizes global companies driving innovation and action towards the creation of genuinely sustainable markets.

Samsung Biologics joined together with health systems leaders from the public and private sector to formally launch the SMI Health Systems Taskforce at COP26 in Glasgow.

In November 2022, the Taskforce announced joint action at COP27 to achieve near-term emissions reduction targets and published commitments to decarbonize through a series of whitepapers outlining practical recommendations and scalable actions for health systems stakeholders.

With its shared ambition to accelerate the delivery of net zero, sustainable healthcare to improve individual, societal and planetary health, the SMI Health Systems Taskforce is committed to delivering action in three priority areas:
Supply Chains
Championed by John Rim,
CEO Samsung Biologics
The Supply Chains Working Group is focused on accelerating the net zero transition across the health systems supply chains. The group aims to work with suppliers to decarbonize upstream product supply chains with a focus on renewable energy, clean heat, green transportation logistics and common supplier standards.
Patient Care Pathways
Championed by Paul Hudson,
CEO Sanofi
The Patient Care Pathways Working Group focuses on identifying opportunities to deliver net zero patient care while improving health and societal outcomes. The group aims to demonstrate how interventions across the care pathway can drive emissions reductions by decarbonizing care settings, preventing and managing disease progression, and delivering lower-CO2 solutions.
Digital Healthcare
Championed by Belén Garijo,
CEO Merck
The Digital Healthcare Working Group focuses on leveraging digital innovation and technology in order to drive the transition to net zero across health systems. The initial focus of the group is on demonstrating how digital solutions can support reducing emissions across clinical trials while improving patient outcomes and the patient experience.

The Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) was launched by His Majesty King Charles III, in his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, at the World Economic Forum in 2020. It aims to lead the transition to a sustainable future by convening leaders to bring economic value into alignment with social and environmental sustainability.

As a proud supporter of the Terra Carta* mandate, we were also awarded the 2022 Terra Carta Seal, which recognizes global companies driving innovation and action towards the creation of genuinely sustainable markets.

Samsung Biologics joined together with health systems leaders from the public and private sector to formally launch the SMI Health Systems Taskforce at COP26 in Glasgow.

In November 2022, the Taskforce announced joint action at COP27 to achieve near-term emissions reduction targets and published commitments to decarbonize through a series of whitepapers outlining practical recommendations and scalable actions for health systems stakeholders.

With its shared ambition to accelerate the delivery of net zero, sustainable healthcare to improve individual, societal and planetary health, the SMI Health Systems Taskforce is committed to delivering action in three priority areas:

Supply Chains (championed by John Rim, CEO Samsung Biologics).
The Supply Chains Working Group is focused on accelerating the net zero transition across the health systems supply chains. The group aims to work with suppliers to decarbonize upstream product supply chains with a focus on renewable energy, clean heat, green transportation logistics and common supplier standards.
Patient Care Pathways (championed by Paul Hudson, CEO Sanofi).
The Patient Care Pathways Working Group focuses on identifying opportunities to deliver net zero patient care while improving health and societal outcomes. The group aims to demonstrate how interventions across the care pathway can drive emissions reductions by decarbonizing care settings, preventing and managing disease progression, and delivering lower-CO2 solutions.
Digital Healthcare (championed by Belén Garijo, CEO Merck).
The Digital Healthcare Working Group focuses on leveraging digital innovation and technology in order to drive the transition to net zero across health systems. The initial focus of the group is on demonstrating how digital solutions can support reducing emissions across clinical trials while improving patient outcomes and the patient experience.

* The Terra Carta is a mandate that puts sustainability at the heart of the private sector. Its supporters are organizations formally recognized by the SMI to have confirmed their support of the Terra Carta to put Nature, People, and the Planet at the center of organizations’ value creation.

Frontier 1.5D
The Frontier 1.5D project is a global collaborative effort to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Business leaders from Korea have joined with the British Embassy, Ewha Woman’s University, and Financial Supervisory Service to analyze the financial impact of climate response policies in the effort to address uncertainties associated with climate change and collectively thrive for a net-zero future.

As a business sector representative, Samsung Biologics will be providing data for each of its biopharmaceutical manufacturing plants through its Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) initiative with Science Based Targets (SBT) to determine risks and opportunities on climate change as well as the financial impact.
Frontier 1.5D
Frontier 1.5D

The Frontier 1.5D project is a global collaborative effort to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Business leaders from Korea have joined with the British Embassy, Ewha Woman’s University, and Financial Supervisory Service to analyze the financial impact of climate response policies in the effort to address uncertainties associated with climate change and collectively thrive for a net-zero future.

As a business sector representative, Samsung Biologics will be providing data for each of its biopharmaceutical manufacturing plants through its Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) initiative with Science Based Targets (SBT) to determine risks and opportunities on climate change as well as the financial impact.

Founded in 2000, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - a global nonprofit with the world’s largest database of climate impacts by companies and governments - collects and runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, and cities to manage their environmental impact.

Since joining CDP in 2021, Samsung Biologics has been recognized for its continued efforts towards creating an eco-friendly management system. As the only South Korea’s pharmaceutical company, Samsung Biologics obtained ‘Management’ level and also received the ‘Honor Award’ in the pharmaceutical sector from CDP Korea for two consecutive years.

Founded in 2000, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - a global nonprofit with the world’s largest database of climate impacts by companies and governments - collects and runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, and cities to manage their environmental impact.

Since joining CDP in 2021, Samsung Biologics has been recognized for its continued efforts towards creating an eco-friendly management system. As the only South Korea’s pharmaceutical company, Samsung Biologics obtained ‘Management’ level and also received the ‘Honor Award’ in the pharmaceutical sector from CDP Korea for two consecutive years.

The TCFD (Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures) develops recommendations on the types of information that companies should disclose to support their stakeholders.

Samsung Biologics has become a supporter of TCFD in July 2022, and released its first TCFD report in December. Through this report, we will transparently disclose yearly performance and activities, and increase effectiveness of business activity for climate change by receiving and reflecting various stakeholders’ opinion in our business operations.

The TCFD (Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures) develops recommendations on the types of information that companies should disclose to support their stakeholders.

Samsung Biologics has become a supporter of TCFD in July 2022, and released its first TCFD report in December. Through this report, we will transparently disclose yearly performance and activities, and increase effectiveness of business activity for climate change by receiving and reflecting various stakeholders’ opinion in our business operations.

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