Safety ∙ Health ∙ Environment Management

Samsung Biologics is highly considering the environmental impacts across the entire value chain. We are trying to share our environmental goals with stakeholders and continuously improve through investments to minimize environmental impact by establishing systematic management process based on international standards such as the environmental management system (ISO 14001), and the energy management system (ISO 50001).

Green Management
Objectives of
Samsung Biologics

Reduction of environmental pollutants, Chemical management, Climate change Response Reduction of environmental pollutants, Chemical management, Climate change Response

CEO Message for Efficient Energy Management

Samsung Biologics pledges to mitigate the impact of climate change caused by energy use and fulfill its role and responsibility in protecting the environment as a contributing member of society. As a global leading CDMO company, we hereby establish and will actively implement our “Energy Management Policy” to pursue sustainability.

Through our Energy Management Policy, we will establish goals for the performance and continuous improvement of our energy management system, acquire the necessary resources and information, and utilize them to achieve our goals.

We will strive to identify and comply with regulations and stakeholder requirements related to energy efficiency and energy use.

We will strive to purchase energy-efficient products and services, to review energy usage in the planning stage of products, equipment, facilities and processes, and to pursue energy performance improvement and innovation.

We are aware of the importance of energy and climate change, and will do our best to continuously improve energy performance in key business activities.

John Rim

President & CEO

Samsung Biologics



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