Safety ∙ Health ∙ Environment Management
Samsung Biologics manages Safety management system(ISO 45001) for safety of employees, subcontractors, workers, and visitors with the slogan “Everyday, Everybody, Back home safely”. Samsung Biologics shares safety KPI and risk management with PDCA cycle and strives to realize a safe workplace with the firm safety culture and various activities.
Samsung Biologics safety management objectives

- Incident prevention
- Settlement of safety culture
Process Risk
AssessmentWe prevent accidents such as fire, explosion, and leaks by managing potential hazards and operational problems that are analyzed regularly based on the risks of the process. -
Work RiskWe carry out voluntary preliminary inspections and safety management systems through work permit systems for dangerous work by analyzing the risk of each work situation. -
MonitoringWe consistently monitor our business sites to keep them safe by constantly checking and improving the production sites and laboratories.
Annual Safety
Evaluation of Each
DepartmentWe practice evaluation systems for the continuous improvement by comprehensively reviewing the safety management status of each division in terms of safety, hygiene, environment, and chemical substances periodically. -
Identification of
Potential RiskWe have established a health and safety culture in the organization for which all of our employees participate by taking the appropriate measures of reporting and identifying any potential risks, analyzing the causes and establishing the measures to prevent a recurrence. -
Response DrillWe have established various scenarios and conduct annual emergency response training in order to efficiently and systematically respond to the emergency circumstances of human and material resources.
Settlement of
safety culture
Samsung Biologics strives to develop advanced safety culture by participation, consultation, and communication with all employees based on safety leadership from top management.
Emphasis on
Culture from
ManagementAll our employees strive to strengthen and cultivate a healthy and safe culture along with the continuous care and support of the management. -
Safety Awareness
TrainingWe annually conduct and analyze safety culture evaluations, and associate the measures of vulnerabilities found with attitude enhancement training to share with all employees. -
CampaignWe confirm that all employees are aware of the importance of contributing to a health and safety culture by not only implementing legal issues but also organizing a safety campaign on traffic and public security to establish a better safety culture.
CommunicationWe confirm that all employees are aware of the importance of contributing to a healthy and safe culture by not only implementing legal issues but also organizing a safety campaign on traffic and public security to establish a better safety culture. -
Safety ChampionWe motivate our employees to display a keen interest in safety issues by selecting a Safety Champion. The Safety Champion is selected across the departments, and these individuals who have achieved excellent safety standards will be awarded.
Safety EventWe ensure that all of our employees fully understand the difficult and unfamiliar safety rules and instill a sense of security in them by running events in which all employees can participate in.