Principles of Human
Rights Management -
As a global biopharmaceutical producer, Samsung Biologics respects the human rights of all stakeholders including all employees with production and management activities, and we are striving towards practicing human rights management. Therefore, we will establish and disclose to the public the “Samsung Biologics Charter of Human Rights” which is based on the international human rights principles and norms that include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the OECD Multinational Business Guideline, the UN Convention on Children’s Rights, and the International Labor Organization’s Core Convention. Policies include general principles that respect human rights such as the prohibition of forced labor, prohibition of child labor, employment of the elderly, working hours, wages, prohibition of discrimination, and freedom of association.
Diagnosis of Human
Rights Management
Level -
Samsung Biologics shares a human rights charter with its employees, partners and other stakeholders to identify and prevent possible human rights violations throughout its business activities in advance, whereby we will respond to potential human rights risks through the human rights management level diagnosis process. We are constantly checking the factors and potential risks that can affect an employee’s human rights through various channels.
Samsung Biologics conducted an internal inspection and human rights impact assessment survey to identify for potential risks to human rights in the workplace, and the risks that are being discovered are being improved by each department in a timely manner. As the results of the human rights impact assessment which was conducted on all employees of Samsung Biologics showed no serious risks, the results of the evaluation were shared with the departments in charge and respective departments, where analysis for reasons to occurrences for the risks and improvement measures were requested for the enhancement tasks that had been formulated. In order to protect the human rights of all stakeholders in our business processes, we plan to continuously manage human rights risks by conducting regular human rights level evaluations.
Identification Process for Human Rights Risks
Risk Assessment
- Operation of internal and external channels to identify human rights risks
- Implementation of human rights risk evaluation for all employees
- Evaluation of risk levels and formation of conclusions
Actions -
- Analysis of reasons for occurrences by each risk
- Formation and review for improvement to systems and structures
- Suggestion for improvement measures to departments and recommendation of corrective actions
Implementation & Feedback -
- Checking of execution for improvement solutions and sharing of feedback
- Continuous improvement and inspection of implementation
Human Rights
Education -
Samsung Biologics recognizes the importance of human rights management and therefore strives to raise awareness among employees by annually holding human rights educational courses. In 2022, about 98% of our employees have completed the human rights education program, which includes courses on sexual harassment prevention, workplace harassment prevention, and building a culture of mutual respect. We promise to strengthen our human rights protection in the workplace by continuously expanding these internal education opportunities.
- In 2022, 97.8% of our total workforce completed our ethics management program; 99.4% completed our sexual harassment prevention course; and 100% completed our human rights education course.
Culture -
Samsung Biologics is committed to an innovative and constructive work culture between upper management and employees. We have set up various channels to engage with our employees, including designating an employee-led innovation group for each department, managing a community bulletin board, and hosting regular seminars with leadership.
We also hold management meetings on a regular basis to discuss various agenda items related to improving working conditions as well as wages and benefits.
Settlements -
Samsung Biologics operates an anonymous bulletin board where human rights issues can be reported through the company's communication bulletin board and the 6 major reporting centers. Victims or witnesses can report immediately through the bulletin board, and when problems are identified, they are investigated, and measures are taken according to the relevant standards.
Complaint Settlement Process
Complaints Filed
- Complaints filed through communication bulletin boards or reporting centers based on the contents of six major incidents
Checking & Review of Complaints
- Verification of the details and facts in the complaints
- Protection measures for the informer
- Measures to be applied according to the complaint reviewed
Results of the Review Relayed
- Results of the review relayed and receival of the assailant’s opinions
Complaint Settlement
- Depending on the case, personnel measures conducted such as disciplinary actions and training to prevent recurrence